Saturday, October 25, 2008

Enjoy your moments!

This one's for you, ChriS! And also to everyone else!


You always have something to do whether it be school, work, promotion or something else. In a lifetime, these NEVER run out.

Life stopped being play time for me in middle school and I remember I had to keep my grades up so I'm well prepared for for high school where my grades started to matter in order to get into college to get a good job which is the key to putting food on the table and getting a house which is for your future family and in the same time it's also the key to retirement.

Note that the paragragh above only had 1 sentence. (Did you go back and check?) So does our peaceful time arrive only upon retirement?

Life goes on & on and we are always on the go striving for something, but don't forget during your striving to ease on the stressors & take time to enjoy your time! These moments pass you by. Don't wait until retirement to have your good life.

Certain points in your life only happen at certain times, such as NOW.

Enjoy your moments! Enjoy life!


1 comment:

CB said...

Wow! That's a great post! I enjoyed reading it, just like it said I should!