Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's never too late (you're never too old)

I know a 61 year old man who recently migrated to the United States (from another country) and he's just now learning new ways of life - new language, new culture, new geography, new everything!

During my last visit in the Philippines in Aug/Sept 2007, I met an 87 year old woman. She was speaking to me in English; she was proficient; speaking English appeared natural to her. Then I found out that she learned English in her 80's. I would have never guessed! I would have guessed that she learned during young adulthood. I also found out that she just learned how to text at the age of 83.

You can learn anything at any age! The issue won't be when you did it, but whether you did it at all. If there's anything you always wanted to do and always thought it was too late, DO IT IN 2009! Happy New Year!

"It's never too late to become what you might have been." ~John Pasco


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