Saturday, June 13, 2009

180 degrees


I have a pretty good friend. I met her when she was already a graduate. But before that, when she was in high school, she had really bad grades and got into trouble a lot in school. Sometime after high school somewhere somehow she changed her ways - she attended a community college, transferred to a 4-year university and eventually obtained her bachelors degree. She mentioned to me that all her friends from high school are doing exactly the same thing - they are ruining their lives by running up their criminal records while some are even taking drugs to the point where their physical health is at stake. [She says that she tries to get them out - but as much as she tries to help, she says that she can only help to a certain point and the rest is up to the individual.] I asked her how she got out of that lifestyle and she said: choices.

You don't have to get sucked in; you can choose.

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