Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Hero: My Grandmother, Lola Ala*****

Lola Ala, my paternal grandmother, is my ETERNAL HERO. She endured being WIDOWED TWICE, being BLIND in one eye, and HARD LABOR throughout her whole life. She started off as a coconut FARMER then over the years moved to managing the plantation/business, and then by the time of her death she owned 32 ACRES of land. Her life was tough for her (being educated as far as 4th grade) yet she raised 4 GREAT and also successful children - she put all her children through school as a SINGLE MOTHER. She raised good children - my dad is one of the most genuine people I know and her children (my uncles and aunt) are my second parents. In a country with very poor economy, she was able to fund her OWN RETIREMENT without aid from anyone - not her children - not from the government - all from herself. And most of all, she is widely known as a HELPFUL and GOOD PERSON.

I wish I counted how many people went to her viewing/funeral; it was just too crowded.

Happy birthday my Lola! Hope you're resting in peace.

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